Sunday, March 8, 2009

Confinement No More!

I was very stressed out during the confinement month when I first had Ern. I followed some of the traditional Chinese confinement’s rules, like only shower on Day 12 with herbs, drink mostly ginger/herb tea, eat heaty food cooked with sesame oil/ginger/herb,etc. I was very emotional and I think to certain extend, I had mild post natal depression. I cried a lot back then, over small matters like the words spoken to me, worried over Ern’s pro-long breast milk jaundice, the so called “good advices and consequences’ from my relatives when they got to know I didn’t follow exactly the confinement rules and others.

Right after I recovered from the post natal depression, I told Hubby if we ever blessed with 2nd child, I wouldn’t want to follow these rules again for several reasons:

1) I don’t want to go through the same stress again
2) I need to take care 2 children, more so need to handle Ern, to go through the phase with her in accepting her sibling
3) Don’t want to burden my mum to cook different food for me since she has shoulder ache problem and age is catching up
4) To speed up the jaundice recovery for the baby by avoiding ginger/herbs
5) I dislike the smell and the process of Malay traditional urut.

You bet, I keep to my promise this time, and even gotten support from my mum! I guess she has seen how stressed out I was the last time. So, I am on normal diet since day 1 delivering Sean. Honestly, I feel good right now, no stress even I had sleep deprived (because of breast feeding) and Sean is going through jaundice now. Maybe it’s 2nd child delivery, I sort of know what to expect and how to handle them. I drove to hospital to feed Sean 3 times a day when he was put under light. Even indulged and pampered myself with a post natal + relaxing massage, facial and plan for a pedicure soon!

More so, I get to spend quality time with Ern on every evening (around 5-6pm) or whenever Sean is asleep. It’s not a lot of time with Ern but it’s better than letting her watching TV by herself.

Again, this is very much individual preference and choice, as to follow the confinement rules or not. To me, I just want a stress free post delivery.

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