Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy 16 Months

The momentum of blogging on Sean's growth milestone is no longer the same when I had Ern. I always have hard time blogging even I know I need to blog (to be fair!). Sigh, I don't even know where to start with so many 'catch-up' stories to write...haha...

See...for his 16 months update, it's already 2 weeks late!! Well, least I still constantly capturing their photos...not that bad still!! LOL

At 16mos, the little man's milestone:

Vital Stats:
Height: 89cm
Weight: 12.7kg
Teeth: 11 in total (6 top & 5 bottom)

Milk: 3x per day at 7oz each feeding
Meal: porridge (lunch) + cereal/rice(dinner) + whenever we eat!
Snack: fruit, baby + adult biscuit + junk food!!!
Water: He have no problem feeding plain water on him now.

- He is able to sip from a straw now. Yay!

- He has overcome his hair cutting fear on June 20th (thanks to FB of helping me to track the dates! )Tears no more and he can even wave bye bye to the aunty after the hair cut!!

- He is able to RUN now.

- He is showing sign off weaning from pacifier all by himself. He will suck the pacifier for like 1-2 mins, then pass to me.

- He has a very bad habit. He needs to touch our hand in order to go to sleep. I am slowly correcting this habit but it's going to take some time.

- He doesn't like to hold his own MILK bottle. He will relax like a big taukeh while drinking his milk. BUT...he has no problem holding his water bottle!!!

- Sean is definitely a mummy's boy. When I am around, he tends to be naughtier to get my attention

- He is a book person. He hardly plays the toy that we bought for him. Rather, he would go to the book shelf and grab a book. He will 'read' (most of the time, the book the upside down!). Or he will walk to me, sit on my lap and ask me to read!

- He is able to take simple instructions from us although he can't really speak, eg "go to XX to take YY", " do you want Z? If yes, go to AA to take it!".

- He has a strong arm, for kids at his age. he is able to push a wooden stool around with his Che Che sit on top of it.

- He is a 'fighting chicken" because whatever things that he can't get, he will whine and fight till he gets it. Most of the time, his sister will give in...

- Cow (the real cow!)
- Burke-Keh (book)
- Che Che (his sister)
- Mah Mah (Mummy)
- Pah (Daddy)
- Poh (His nanny)
- Yao (Want in Mandarin)
- Kah (Cat)
- Mum Mum (eat)
- Dog (dog!)
- Fit (fish)

Scrap Credit:
Quickpage by Anita Quilts

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