Oh dear, I just recalled I didn't write down Sean's Month 1 & Month 2 growth development even I started this blog before he was born! Busy is the only excuse.
Anyway, our little boy turned 3-Months-Old on May 16th.
Vital Stats:Height: 62cm
Weight: 7.35kg
Head Circumference: 41cm
Development:- Exclusive on breastmilk: 5 oz every 2.5 - 3 hours during day time. Unknown during night time as he is on direct nursing.
- Unable to sleep through (unlike his Che Che) and gets up for milk every 4hr or less.
- No consistent pattern on his poo. Hence, he has nappy rash and we need to rinse his butt on every wets. Hassle but that's the way to minimize the rash.
- Able to turn his head left and right when we placed him on his tummy
- Able to lift his head up like 30seconds when he is placed on his tummy
- Sean will give us a
big grin when we called out his name or 'talk' to him.
- During day time, he sleeps on his tummy and face up during night(because he is nursed till sleep)
- His
Infant Acid Reflex has improved tremendously. He only split milk like 2/10 feeding instead of every feed. That's means I washed lesser tops for him. :-)
- His
breastmilk jaundice is fully recovered. Hooray, no more sun bathing.
- He is able to turn to the right direction where the sound came from.
- He can't be placed alone for long as he needs accompany. As long as there is voice, he is ok.
- Still a crying baby if we don't feed his milk fast enough. So we need to warm up his milk when it is close to his feeding time. Otherwise, he will turn himself into a
loud speaker- He is able to open up his palm more frequent now.
Scrap Credit:
Papers, Zig Zag, Ribbon & Button: Sarah Möller
Word Tag: Miss Mint
Alpha: Shabby Princess
Month Tag: Misty Cato