Friday, May 1, 2009

Nappy Rash

Sean developed nappy rash just like his Che Che. Not only the skin became reddish, some area of the skin had peeled off on the top layer (sob!sob!). To be exact, this is the 3rd time!

Well, both Sean and Ern were on "lampin" (cloth diaper) during day time. On every poo (be in a lot or little), we made the effort to bring them to the basin to rinse before we put on a new lampin again. STILL, both of them kena nappy rash!

Nothing alarming but just need to apply nappy barrier cream. It all has to do with the enzymes from my breast milk that make him poo almost on every wets. I even need to wake up during his mid night feed (between 2-4am) to change his disposable diaper to ensure his skin is free from the stool.

Tiring for sure, be it day or night time to go through the routine of "wipe, rinse, wait to dry, apply cream, change diaper" almost round the clock. BUT it's still worth the sacrifices of breastfeeding as the benefits outweigh this kacang nappy rash. :-)

1 comment:

Mummy and daddy: Angie and Ben said...

Truly agree with you on the benefits of bf versus the nappy rash. Good job mummy, keep it up!