Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sean @ 10-Months-Old

Boy, it's Sean's 10months old update

Vital Stats:
Height: Should be taller than 73cm as his PJ pants is shorter now.
Weight:More than 11kg.
Head Circumference: : bigger than 49cm kua!

- Milk: Day time: 7oz every 3 hours interval on 2oz EBM + 5oz formula
Night time: direct nursing
- Solid: Porridge (Lunch) & Cereal/Puree (dinner)
- Snack: fruit (anything that is soft)& baby biscuit
- Only drink water if we spoon feed or give him sipping cup!

- I am very close to wean him off from my breast as he is able to take 2oz EBM mix with formula.

- When it comes to sleeping time at night, he started to look for me. Crawl to me and the next thing you see, he is moving around to look for the 'milk source'.

- He has a bad habit of wanted to touching bone/joints of our hand in order to go to sleep. You know, a way fo finding comfort. We are training him to do without it as we see some improvement.

- He is crawling on four and boy, he can crawl very fast now. Will blog about it in my next post with a video clip.

- He is able to recognize the faces of family members and nanny's family. He only let stranger carry him if he is in good mood. Else, he will turn his body away from you.

- He napped shorted hour now, just like his Che Che. :-( Can be as short as 1/2 hour.

- He loves watching cartoon, just like his che che. Not a good sign.

- He is able to stand unsupported for longer time now, easily 10 seconds.

Scrap credit:
Quickpage by lliella

1 comment:

Mummy Joanne and Daddy Terence said...

Kaitlyn also likes to watch cartoon. I guess must be sibling influence, LOL!