Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sean's First Solid

{ Back-dated Post }

I was lucky enough to feed Sean his first ever solid because he turned 6mo on Sunday (16th Aug), in which under my care.

From previous experience taking care of Ern, we knew baby must learn how to swallow before they really know how to eat! So, I have decided to feed him cereal instead of home cooked porriage for several reasons:

1. Since it's just at the learning stage for Sean, his serving will be very small. No point cook as in the end, most of the porriage will just stick to the side of the slow cooker. He may just ate 2 tablespoon only.

2. You just don't know how well your baby can swallon. Just cereal is just good because those unfinish one, we can disregard.

3. Easy to prepare. Just add EBM onto it, viola!

Well, Sean's face turned SOUR when he first tried his first solid, just like the picture. After like <10 teaspoons of cereal, he complained and lost his patience. Guess timing wasn't right also...

Scrap Credit:
Blue Paper: Bren Boone Design
Stripe Paper: Anita Quilts
Twinter StarRound: MissMint
Ribbon: Krista
Round Star: redju


CheahWei said...

haha, it's a new food according to him. it needs time to get used to it. different texture and taste mah...

Unknown said...

i cant wait Jethro to taste the solid food. kekeke :) Already hv a standby food processor.
In here, baby can started to taste/eat fruitpap (mixed the fruits).
Sean is trying his best, eat 10 spoons some more ! Some kids only 1 spoon already throw it out liao..
gambateh !