Tuesday, June 16, 2009

4 Months Old

Time really flies. It is as if yesterday that I blogged about Sean's 3rd month and now, I am writing the 4th month!

Vital Stats:
Height: 65cm
Weight: 8.55kg
Head Circumference: 43cm

- Feeding: Still on Mummy's milk exclusively. Drinks 6oz every 3-4hrs via bottle

- He is over-weight according to the baby growth chart BUT because he is a breastfed exclusive baby, PD said it's absolutely ok.

- Because of his weight, he has show no sign of roll from his back on to his stomach. Too heavy the bum bum :-)

- He has developed more head control when placed in the sitting position. I would say 90% stable.

- He is able to bring his hands together, look at them and put them into his mouth!

- He smiles at people and knows members of the family when we played with him.

- He laughs, squeels, cooes and gurgles when he is in good mood. Infect, he always 'ajak' us to 'talk' to him and he response back by saying "erh, erh".

- He has fully recovered from his infant acid reflux. No more splitting of milk and thus, we hardly need to change him frequently. In other words, less laundry for mummy!

- He can grasp his teether and put into his mouth when given.

- He drools A LOT!

- He has developed a more stable sign of feeding and sleeping. It makes things more easier for us to plan things out. He sleeps longer in the morning (from 11am till 2.30pm) and take shorter naps in the afternoon/evening.

- If his last feeding is at 10pm, then he is able to sleep through till 4-5am. Personally, this is VERY GOOD already as I can sleep undisturbed for 5+ hours.

- His has very good mood in the morning, right after he gets up. So, I engaged a professional shots on him last week. Photos to be shared in separate post.

- He prefers to sleep side way by hugging his bolster or sleep on his tummy. I guess that gives him more security and thus, sleep longer.

- He follows movement quite well. The moment we are out from his sight, that's it. The 'loud speaker' is ON! Once you are back to his sight, not necessary sitting next to him, he is ok.

- He is still very 'pah pai' and particular over wet nappy. He wants to stay clean and dry ALL THE TIME. Even if he poo half way drinking his milk, he will whine. So we need to change him before we can continue the milk.

- His right side of the double eye lid is visible now. :-)

- His baby sitter is showing flash card to him now on object like car, apple, house, etc. It wasn't a request from me but I am so blessed when I saw that.

Scrap credit:
Quickpage: Lliella
Alpha: Lisa Warren
Month tag: misty cato

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