Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Like her Che Che, Sean can't escape from jaundice although I didn't eat any of the confinement food like ginger, herbs, sesame oil, etc.

On Day 2 after he was born, I was 'warned' by PD that he will get jaundice because he looked very 'red', means the beribulum content is high in his body. True enough right after the Serum Beribulun (SB) test on Day 3, his reading stood at 180, means exceed the safe line of 150.

Hence, I stayed back together with him as a lodger since my milk flow has not established and I want to fully breastfeed him. Moreover, it's taxing for my family members to transport me and also having Ern around too.

Day 4, his SB reading dropped to 150 and we were allowed to discharge. Honestly, I didn't expect to discharge as Che Che Ern spent 5 days under light. However, we were told to sun bath him.

From Day 5 to Day 8, we can see Sean's body had turned yellow and we knew his jaundice level definitely shoot up. On Day 8, we took him for another SB test and to our surprise, it has shoot up to 318! Immediately, he was put under light again, 4 lights to be exact! If you look carefully at the picture, he wore the conventional sanitary pad (tie string over waist type) because PD wanted to expose him to the maximum. :-)

This time round, I didn't stay as lodger since I have built up my 'milk stock'. Everyday, I drove to hospital 3 times to nurse him to keep the stimulation, while also trasport the frozen EBM.

Day 9, his SB reading dropped to 180 and the next day, dropped to 118. Discharged but same thing - still need to sun bath twice per day.

Day 12, SB shoot up to 218 for Sean but since he is > 10 days old, he doesn't need to stay under light unless SB reading >250.

Day 14, SB stayed at 218 still! :-(

Next follow up on Day 18 (Friday, 6th March). Let's see how is he progressing.


Mummy and daddy: Angie and Ben said...

Hello Sean... Hope that everything is fine for you now..

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Sean sean,
Today is the check up for the reading. wish u get well !!

Wooi Sin,
Just read all your article that u wrote for sean.. very touching and informatic :)

take good care and get good rest !